Sunday, July 15, 2012

Global Holocausts

...occidental "accidents"...
,,,make for global holocausts...
...cause generational pains...

...negating deserving joys...
...uprooting order sans pride...
...fostering world genocide...

...mentacide death wrecks rebirth...
...roman lynch kits teach patterns...
...pachyderm coincidence...


...occidental damages...
...capitalism @ worse...
...warborne debilatations...

...the never ending struggle...
...colonization's results...
...demonizing difference...

...@ evry door the beast snarls...
...synchronized supremacies...
...accident of the ages...


...maligning too destroying...
...gossip murderously gross...
...condemning weak fingers point...

...indicating emptiness...
...spit spewing unkindnessess...
...early morning preCURSErs...

...DISorder establishers...
...base verbal cancerous filth...
...giver REciever guilty...

...from BREATHS to flame...

~Mr. Isaiah (PaPa) Roby~1852~1945~


...smoke gives form to ANCESTORS...
...THEY waft soaring shapes shifting...
...THEY lIve wIthInn flames yoU me...

...ownInn domInIon they see...
...breatInn breathes everlastInn...
...ever watchInn fore guIdInn...

...cookfIre guarntors of flame...
...loomInn strong legIons as one...
...solIdIfyIng all thIngs...

Thursday, July 12, 2012


...who heals the wounded healer?...
...who heals theIr heART's hurt lament?... the REcieving~who gIves?...

...separatIon often cUres...
...a RoadRed for the lonely...
...what of the questionee's heART?...

...where is the helper's jUstIce?...
...who can defIne agendas?...
...transparent sUggestIons work...